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Who are you really? A personal exploration workshop supporting you in discovering your true self

This pre-recorded video workshop is an exploration of the self - get to know you as you are now, your likes, dislikes and dreams to better understand yourself this year.

This pre-recorded video workshop is an exploration of the self - get to know you as you are now, your likes, dislikes and dreams to better understand yourself this year. An insightful video workshop which requires you to pause as you work through the journalling prompts and questions to reach your answer to the question “Who are you really?” - you’ll need a journal, pen and separate piece of paper for this workshop.

“I’ve been lucky enough to work with Peta on a number of occasions and knew that the ‘Who Are You Really?’ workshop would be perfect for refocusing on myself. The workshop gave plenty of opportunity to pause, journal and reflect on the things which are most important to me. It brought up lots of reminders of my dreams, visions and values, and ways in which I can live in alignment with these. As always I came away from the workshop feeling calmer and clearer thanks to Peta’s wonderful way with words, and have been grateful for the continued support to talk through emotions and ideas that have bubbled up since. Another wonderful workshop - thank you Peta! “- Katie

“I joined the Who Are You Really workshop at the beginning of January to feel connection with others and support my start in the New Year (although I am an advocate of new beginnings at any point in time)! I found the journaling prompts led me to real clarity about an aspect of my life I’d love to see blossom. We eased ourselves in quite smaller questions, and the session flowed naturally into considering the bigger questions. It was the perfect amount of time to listen to myself and feel energised and optimistic. I’d do these workshops regularly as they really make me protect time to take stock and gently set goals.” - Victoria

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Notes On Caring For Oneself
Nourishing Soulfully
Self-Kindness guidance to care for oneself.